Use What the Pros Use!

Check out these Kansas City all-stars that are using O-Liminator for o-liminating purposes!

Jeff Allen, who is a starter on the Kansas City Chiefs offensive line  (from Chicago/U of I), used O-Liminator during workouts and training this week for his locker and really liked the vanilla scent.  He says his lockermate next to him kept asking what he had in his locker since it smelled a lot different (and better) than before.

Donald Stephenson, another starter for the Kansas City Chiefs, mentioned he tried O-Liminator both in the locker room and at home. In fact, Donald has found lots of uses for O-Liminator as he tried it near his stinky garbage and in his closets. We’re happy to report they smell better than ever!

To get your o-limination on, check out our products page!